Below is a list of words and definitions that will be helpful for you to know as you explore the art of seed saving
Open-pollinated or Heirloom Seeds
Varieties which have been grown for so many successive generations that their physical and genetic qualities are fairly stable. These seeds will be “true to type” if saved.
Hybrid Seeds
When cross-pollination occurs between seed varieties. Seeds saved from hybrid seed will not produce plants like the parent plant.
The transfer of pollen from male to female reproductive organs to produce fruit and seed.
The transfer of pollen from one variety of plant to the female of another variety of plant causing unpredictable results in the fruit and seeds.
A flowering plant that takes two years to produce fruit and seeds.
A process that mimics natural chemical reaction by allowing seed to break down organic barriers and prepare for germination. The fermentation process breaks down germination inhibitors and protects against certain diseases.